Press releases.
The world is taking notice.
The world is taking notice.
KOIN Everyday Northwest feature:
KOIN News Waterfront Blues Festival feature:
PDX Parent March "The Arts Issue" featured artist profile Astrid Beatriz:
Portland art crawl celebrates Latina Artists for Women's History Month:
Portland art crawl celebrates Latina artists for Women’s History Month
Popular Woodworking feature on Astrid Beatriz 2021/07 Come-thru in SE Portland aims to be a more inclusive farmers market.
KPTV News Oregon celebrates indigenous peoples day as official state holiday.
MPM 7 North Blocks on Flickr
South East Examiner 2021/09 Portland Indigenous Marketplace works on display
Columbian news 2021/mar/14 Clark County art galleries spring back with fresh exhibits
Visit AHC Portland Indigenous Marketplace
Everout Portland events indigenous art exhibit
Campaign for Equal Justice Oregon raffle for justice